Exercise 1

Chromatic means a sequence of semitone intervals. The smallest distance between notes in the Western Tonal System. Difficult for singers. But it really helps with your overal accuracy of pitch.

Exercise 2

3’s and 7’s of chords (very important in jazz harmonies) in this exercise.

Exercise 3

Some challenging jazzy colors and perhaps new for you. May take some getting used to.

Exercise 4

Different colors. Especially the #11 of chords (like the first notes of each bar, yes even the first note of bar one, even though it is a flat, relatively it’s a #11).

Exercise 5

The #11’s combined with the 3’s and 7’s of chords. 7’s in chord symbols always indicate the use of the flat 7 (b7) of the major scale of the root (bass note, tonic, 1) of the chord. In F7 the 7 is the seventh tone of the major scale of F (which is an e) lowered by a semitone (resulting in e flat).

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