Stage presence

A stage can be intimidating, but it is just another place when there is no audience. Sometimes going to a venue early allows you to enter the stage. When possible, do! The more time you spend on stages in different venues, the better.

Luckily there are plenty of helpful tips and tricks to help you make the most out of your presence on a stage.

How to use the stage:


All venues are different, so all stages are different. Sometimes there is no stage. My number 1 advice is to always be clearly visible to your audience.


There always is a sweet spot, a central spot. Claim that spot for you when you sing, so your audience will know you are in control during your song.


When there are lights on stage – make sure you are in the spotlights, so you are clearly visible for your audience. Feel the “sun” on your face.


Make sure there is nothing blocking the view. Have no standards or other obstacles in front of you that might block the audiences’ view.


What to do, where to stand during the solos? This is a question I often hear. It really depends on your personality – though I must say that I always like it when I see a singer listening to the soloist. In that way, you direct the audiences’ attention. Some singers tend to step away from the central spot on stage while others grab a bar stool, and some singers like to stand still or dance to the music. Experiment and see what fits you.

In this video, I demonstrate both sides of common performance practices, so you can see the differences for yourself.

How to depart the stage:


You did it. The song has ended. The band just hit the last notes and the applause starts. Now what? Acknowledge and thank your audience, thank your band. In the heat of the moment, singers may have a tendency to forget that. But you won’t, won’t you? It’s always a beautiful thing to show a little gratitude.


Collect your music sheets and run (gracefully) for the bar.


Socialize, listen to other musicians, have fun, and go home happy!



Practice entering the stage, sing as if you are singing for an audience, receive the applause, depart gracefully and joyfully. All in the comfort of your living room. Record it or use a mirror to judge your efforts.

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